
We are more emotional in our mother tongue - 11/13/2015

A study led by the Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain and Language shows that we think with more coldness in a foreign language than in our mother tongue.

The Senate of Mexico strengthens the linguistic rights of the indigenous people - 11/11/2015

The Mexican Senate has approved a law reform for the Linguistic Rights of Indigenous People to promote their development through the use of their mother tongue, as well as ensure indigenous languages and Spanish to have the same validity.

Indigenous leaders and magistrates demand that judges exercise their function in indigenous languages - 11/06/2015

Indigenous leaders and magistrates, gathered in the VI International Congress in Intercultural Justice celebrated in Puno (Peru), demand that judges, attorneys, police, and public defenders exercise their functions in the predominant indigenous language.

The UNESCO Chair meets with Chilean businessmen - 10/30/2015

During a breakfast that took place in the old central house of the Catholic University of Temuco, businessmen of the región met the rector of the Catholic University of Temuco (Chile), Dr. Aliro Bórquez Ramírez, the pro-rector, Arturo Hernández Sallés, and the directors of the founder institutions of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN.

Meeting of the founders of TECLIN with Mapuche students - 10/22/2015

The founder members of the UNESCO Chair in Linguistic Tecnologies gather together in Chile with the Mapuche Association of Students, Chillkaftufe, during the II International Conference of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN, which is taking place at the Catholic University of Temuco.
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