An automatic system that generates questions from educational texts has been awarded by Google

Jesús Cardeñosa

RevUp, a system that generates automatic questions from educational texts, has been awarded with one of the prizes of the Google Science Fair 2015.

RevUp, a system that generates automatic questions from educational texts, has been awarded with one of the prizes of the Google Science Fair 2015.

The young man from Singapore Girish Kumar, of 17 years old, has received the Technological Prize of Google thanks to an invention that belongs to disciplines such as Artificial Intelligent or Natural Language Processing, informs Hipertextual, and echoes Dail Software.  

As explained by Kumar in the web of Google, the elaboration of questions may be a tasks that requires a lot of time and many resources from teachers. RevUp generates automatically questions of multiple choice with a blank space from online texts, such as:

The endocrine signs generated by the hypothalamus regulates the secretion of the hormone through the __________. (a) posterior pituitary (b) anterior pituitary (c) thyroid gland (d) pineal gland.

RevUP divides the problem of generating suitable questions in three parts:  selects important sentences according to the topic, identifies which part of the resulting sentence must be chosen as the blank space, and creates distraction elements for the set of options used to confuse the student.

Commentaires (1)
1. AV on 09/04/2017 5:28 PM

Please share the details regarding the usage of RevUp system.

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