Jesús Cardeñosa

All documents of scientific nature or any research that may be useful for science or for knowledge dissemination will be uploaded in this page. To download the documents, go to the bottom of this page.

Basically, there are two types of documents:
  • Chair's documents:
    • Chair preparation phase:

  • Documents produced by people or entities under the supervision of the Chair, or those produced by third parties and which are thought to be interesting for the scientific community or institutions.
    • Multicultural education:
      • Canada

  • Mexico

  • Ecuador

  • USA

  • Australia

  • Spain

  • Argentina

un_dia_con_nuestros_hnos_tonocotes.pdf Un día con nuestros hermanos Tonokotés por Fundación La Buhardilla
bilinguisme_et_biculturalisme_chez_les_atikamekw1.pdf Bilinguisme et biculturalisme chez les atikamekw by Robert Sarrasin
language,_culture_and_identity_some_inuits_examples.pdf Languages, culture and identity: some inuits examples by Louis-Jacques Dorais
lenguas_indigenas_clasificacion.pdf Clasificación de Lenguas Indígenas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI)
materiales_de_educacion_basica_para_la_educacion_en_lenguas_maternas_ecuador.pdf Materiales de Educación Básica para la Educación en Lenguas Maternas en Ecuador por UTPL
do_other_countries_do_bilingual_education.pdf Do others countries do bilingual Education? by Stephen Krashen
what_works_the_work_program.pdf What Works. The Work Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training.
estrategia_sectorial_de_la_cooperacion_espanola_con_pueblos_indigenas.pdf Estrategia Sectorial de la cooperación española con los pueblos indígenas por AECI
lengua_materna_y_educacion.pdf Lengua Materna y Educación por Lelia Inés Albarracín
coneduc_estado_del_arte_15abril2009.pdf Proyecto CONEDUC - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid e Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México. Estado del arte por Claudia Marina Vicario Solorzano & al.
schooling_as_a_vehicle_for_aboriginal_language.pdf Schooling as a Vehicle for Aboriginal Language Maintenance: Implementing Cree as the Language of Instruction in Northern Quebec by Lynn McAlpine & Daisy Herodier
psychiatric_consultation_with_inuit.pdf Encounters with the North: Psychiatric Consultation With Inuit Youth by Azaad Kassam MD, FRCPC
politicas_del_lenguaje_y_educacion.pdf Políticas del lenguaje y educación: el papel de la educación en la destrucción o el soporte de la diversidad lingüística by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas
2_bischoff_etal.pdf Community, Technology, Education, and Language: A case study in digital language resource development for a minorized language, by S.T. Bischoff et al.
situaciOn_de_las_lenguas_y_culturas_indIgenas_del_ecuador.pdf Situación de las lenguas y culturas indígenas del Ecuador por UTPL - TECLIN UNESCO TEAM
education_as_a_cultural_activity.pdf Education as a Cultural Activity: Stories of Relationship and Change by Arlene Stairs
evaluating_the_role_of_first_language_in_native_education.pdf Evaluating the Role of First Language in Native Education: Developmental Results in a Canadian Inuit Setting by Arlene Stairs
etapas_en_la_construcciOn_de_la_educaciOn.pdf Diversidad cultural, educación y democracia: etapas en la construcción de la educación indígena en américa latina por Sonia Comboni Salinas y José Manuel Juárez Núñez
paper_6_yekha_etal.pdf Refugees, language, well-being, and education: A case study from a heritage language program in the US; by N. K. Yekha et al.
lenguas_aborigenes.pdf Lenguas Aborígenes (estado del arte) por Fundación La Buhardilla - CIPCO
life_histories_and_culturally_appropriate.pdf "They Knew How to Respect Children”: Life Histories and Culturally Appropriate Education by Robert M. Leavitt
why_do_inuit_students_drop_out.pdf Why do Inuit Students Drop Out?
two_labradorians_work_toward_a_productive.pdf Reflective Evaluation and Development: Two Labradorians Work Toward a Productive Evaluation Model for Aboriginal Educators by Jonathan M. Robinson

Cátedra UNESCO de Tecnologías Lingüísticas