Jesús Cardeñosa will travel to Brazil for organising the network of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN in the country

The director of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN, Jesús Cardeñosa, will travel in the coming months to assess institutions and help to organise the network of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN of Brazil.

The director of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN, Jesús Cardeñosa, will travel in the coming months to assess institutions and help to organise the network of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN of Brazil.
The network will be set thanks to the Polytechnic University of Madrid, which has approved, in its budget for 2016, a fund to help the international expansion of the Chair.
The objective of this help is to assess and select the universities of Brazil which, coordinated by the I3G-Institute de Governo Electrônico established in Florianopolis, should set up a faculty in order to guarantee the correct implementation of the International Master’s Degree on Linguistic Engineering, which will begin in the course 2018-2019.
The I3G Institute is one of the founding members of the Chair, along with the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the Catholic University of Temuco (Chile) and the Particular Technic University of Loja (Ecuador).
Cardeñosa travelled to Chile in October to assist the II International Meeting of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN, when he set the Chile Node of the Chair. Moreover, he met the association of Mapuche students Chillkatuchefe and visited the Mapuche Community, with the family of Sergio Canio.

Commentaires (1)
1. travel wheelchair on 04/03/2018 10:45 AM
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Cátedra UNESCO de Tecnologías Lingüísticas