TECLIN attends the European Language Diversity Forum
On 15th and 16th December it took place the European Language Diversity Forum in Donostia. The objectives of this forum were:
- To reclaim linguistic diversity and its management as one of the keys issues for the present and the future construction of a more democratic, cohesive, inclusive, peaceful and sustainable Europe.
- To analyse and evaluate the effects of the current world changes on sustainability and survival of European language communities, to review existing tools and initiatives for the preservation and promotion of European minoritized languages, to analyse the obstacles to progress, and to propose positive measures.
- To promote international European collaboration between civil society, the world of research and culture, and regional, state, European, and multilateral bodies, in favour of legal agreements and treaties for linguistic diversity.
TECLIN highlights the communication on World Languages (Presentation of the new UNESCO Atlas of World Languages) by:
- Frank La Rue (Assistant Director General of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO)
- Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg (Programme Specialist, Aditua, UNESCO, Communication and Information Sector)
- Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg (Programme Specialist, Aditua, UNESCO, Communication and Information Sector)
In this communication speakers talks about the risk of extinction that suffer 2680 languages. The proposed actions of the UNESCO to deal with this situation are:
- Global task on multilingualism (global institutional network for sharing linguistic resources)
- Revitalization and promotion of language
- Increasing of global awareness: 2019 as year of indigenous languages
News on the proclamation of the International Year of Indigenous Languages:
Cátedra UNESCO de Tecnologías Lingüísticas