
Bilingualism is never lost at brain level, although one of the languages is no longer used - 12/02/2015

Scientists from Canada have shown that children who learn a language when they are very small, and then they are adopted into families who speak another language –therefore children stop speaking the first one-, their brain becomes and continues to be bilingual. The study was carried out with Chinese children adopted into French families.

Moral judgements are better done in the native language - 11/30/2015

A study of the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona has analysed how and when valuation processes come into place when processing sentences in the native or in the second language. The study concludes that the valuation of the moral content of a sentence is done more quickly in the mother tongue than in the second language.

Ten Mexican languages are in immediate danger of extinction, according to an expert of the University of Guadalajara - 11/24/2015

Ten indigenous Mexican languages are in immediate danger of extinction, according to José Luis Iturrioz Leza, an expert of the University of Guadalajara, who warmed in a speech of the danger of extinction that is threatening Mexican languages.

A Japanese machine surpasses the average mark of the university entrance exam - 11/19/2015

The Robot Todai, of the National Institute of Informatics of Japan, achieved an above-average mark on the university entrance exam. The test covered five subjects, including math, physics and English.

A network of artificial neurons learns to speak with humans without knowing the rules of language - 11/16/2015

Researchers of the University of Sassari (Italy) and the University of Plymouth (United Kingdom) have developed a cognitive model formed by two million of interconnected artificial neurons. This network is able to learn how to communicate with humans without knowing any language rule, simply by communicating with a human interlocutor.
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