
Switching between languages consistently does not slow conversations down - 04/11/2016

The study carried out in USA suggests that bilinguals who switch languages mid-conversation do not slow the conversation down, provided that they are consistent in the use of the same language for the same words.

‘Serious games’ transform education - 04/04/2016

‘Serious Games’, videogames for educational purposes, are gaining popularity in basic teaching, entrepreneurship education and therapy. A report of the Complutense University of Madrid explains that this kind of games make education different since they are not based on memorising, but on learning and applying knowledge in a safe environment.

The UNESCO Chair TECLIN signs an internship agreement with the Master’s Degree in Communication of the University of Valladolid - 03/28/2016

The UNESCO Chair TECLIN has signed an internship agreement with the Master’s Degree in Communication of the University of Valladolid, in particular with its headquarters of Segovia, so that the students can do the their internship.

Inhabitants of the Amazon talk about the time of the day with signs - 03/23/2016

Brazilian Speakers of Nheengatú, from the Amazonian northeast, talk about the time of the day pointing to the corresponding position of the sun in the sky.

Jesús Cardeñosa will travel to Brazil for organising the network of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN in the country - 03/15/2016

The director of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN, Jesús Cardeñosa, will travel in the coming months to assess institutions and help to organise the network of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN of Brazil.
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