Logo of the association of Mapuche students Chillkatufe
The founder members of the UNESCO Chair in Linguistic Tecnologies gather together in Chile with the Mapuche Association of Students, Chillkaftufe, during the II International Conference of the UNESCO Chair TECLIN, which is taking place at the Catholic University of Temuco.
The director of the Chair and coordinator of the Conference, Jesús Cardeñosa, Tânia Cristina D’Agostini Bueno and Hugo Hoeschl, researches of the i3G Institute (Brazil) and the pro-rector of the University of Temuco (Chile), Arturo Hernández gather together with an association that was born with the objective of improving the conditions of the Mapuche students of the Catholic University of Temuco (Chile). The organization, which organises all type of activities and workshops to promote and teach people about their culture and Mapuche language, will contribute, among other things, its view of how linguistic technologies and the TECLIN Chair can help to increase the knowledge of the Mapuche language.
One of the activities that Chillkatufe has recently organised is the presentation of the book “Wenumapu”, about the Mapuche astronomy and cosmology, or the weekly workshops of palikantun, a traditional Mapuche game similar to hockey.
Mapuche people
The Mapuches are aboriginal people native to central-southern Chile. Their language is called Mapuche. This is “one of the most important ethnic groups of the country, both because of its social and demographic weight, and its strong feeling of cultural identity”, according to the National Library of Chile.
Nowadays, most of the Mapuches live in the Arucanía region, from where they mainly come from, apart from some zones of the Argentinian Patagonia.
The director of the Chair and coordinator of the Conference, Jesús Cardeñosa, Tânia Cristina D’Agostini Bueno and Hugo Hoeschl, researches of the i3G Institute (Brazil) and the pro-rector of the University of Temuco (Chile), Arturo Hernández gather together with an association that was born with the objective of improving the conditions of the Mapuche students of the Catholic University of Temuco (Chile). The organization, which organises all type of activities and workshops to promote and teach people about their culture and Mapuche language, will contribute, among other things, its view of how linguistic technologies and the TECLIN Chair can help to increase the knowledge of the Mapuche language.
One of the activities that Chillkatufe has recently organised is the presentation of the book “Wenumapu”, about the Mapuche astronomy and cosmology, or the weekly workshops of palikantun, a traditional Mapuche game similar to hockey.
Mapuche people
The Mapuches are aboriginal people native to central-southern Chile. Their language is called Mapuche. This is “one of the most important ethnic groups of the country, both because of its social and demographic weight, and its strong feeling of cultural identity”, according to the National Library of Chile.
Nowadays, most of the Mapuches live in the Arucanía region, from where they mainly come from, apart from some zones of the Argentinian Patagonia.